There is a Natural, Safe, Effective and Drug Free Alternative.
Hello, my name is Tammi A. Jones. I’m a Palm Harbor acupuncturist providing gentle and personalized acupuncture treatments for pain and many other ailments. I serve the residents of Palm Harbor, Dunedin, Tarpon Springs and East Lake, FL.
I’d like to welcome you to my web site where you will find a great deal of information on Acupuncture and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine,) or what is also referred to as Complimentary Alternative Medicine.
I’ve prepared this information so you can learn how to benefit from a natural and effective form of health care that has been around for more than 2,500 years.
Did you know that:
- More than 20 million Americans have used Acupuncture
- Growing numbers have sought out acupuncturists for chronic pain and health problems when conventional medicine either hasn’t worked nor has answers
- The NIH and World Health Organization have both given formal approval of certain uses of acupuncture.
- Medical doctors refer their patients to acupuncturists more than any other “alternative care provider.”
- 51% of medical doctors believe acupuncture to be efficacious and of value.
Get the Free Report

To learn more about Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, get my FREE Report titled: The Truth About Acupuncture; The Ground Breaking Study That Proved Skeptics WRONG.
It’s a detailed report on the history of Acupuncture that includes the latest revealing studies, and how Acupuncture and Alternative Medicine work.
Thank You for Visiting my Acupuncture Website
I want to thank you for visiting my acupuncture website. If you have any questions send me an email or call me at (727) 785-5950. I’ll be happy to answer your questions and discuss your concerns.
Tammi A. Jones, AP, DOM
Board Certified and Licensed
Palm Harbor Acupuncture
* Results may vary from person to person and cannot be guaranteed.
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"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame and in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."
-- Thomas Edison.
“Acupuncture treatments are natural, safe, effective and drug-free. My goal is to activate the natural, self-healing abilities of your body to bring balance and prevent future illness and disease.”
-- Tammi A. Jones, L.Ac. - Acupuncture in Palm Harbor, FL 34683